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Get Aligned With Yourself.

When we feel aligned with ourselves, we are more productive and feel more alive and fulfilled.  Becoming self aligned is a multi step journey of clarification and discovery. Is there a part of you that you want to feel more aligned around?

I use an intuitive embodied and relational approach to help you to have a better relationship with yourself.  In conversation together, we observe the way you currently relate to yourself, find ways that you might be working against your own mind and help you to explore new ways of being in the world.

Hey my name is Eliot Red, I live in Sydney, Australia and I coach online via zoom!

If you want to book a time to meet, you can find my calendar on my Contact page. I have an open offer of first session free, Book now!

See Videos of My Coaching Style. Check out some Free Resources or read some of my Writings.  I teach group workshops and I am available for corporate training

How is your Self Relationship?

Do any of these match your experience?

  • I hate myself
  • I’m frustrated that I can’t seem to get anywhere
  • I’m making myself depressed
  • I make myself work hard
  • I feel like a slave
  • I’m tired of feeling tired

These self relationships are energy depleting and have a negative valence to them.

When we force ourselves to work, that means another part of us is feeling that force. Without even realising, we find ourselves under pressure and not enjoying what we are doing. This is an example of a personal bind that we can get into.  By examining that self relationship we can stop getting trapped in these binds and have a more enjoyable relationship with ourselves.  For example:

  • I am kind to myself
  • I am my biggest advocate
  • I care about my needs
  • I love what I do
  • I help myself succeed
  • I reward myself for my hard work
  • I love myself

Is this the kind of relationship you want to be having with yourself? These relationships are energy bringing and positive valence towards ourselves.

book a session now to start that transformation

Continue to My Coaching Style page where I talk more about how I work and my philosophy on coaching.